Young Scientists’ Papers Contest
Contest for the BEST ORIGINAL REPORTS presented by Young Scientists during the 18th Congress of PTIDiK

The awards are granted in two categories: CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY and BASIC IMMUNOLOGY and are identical in each category.
1st Place – main prize, the best original work in a given category – 1000 PLN + Voucher for a free publication in the Central European Journal of Immunology
2nd Place – distinction in a given category – Voucher for a free publication in the Central European Journal of Immunology
The awards are financed entirely from the budget of the Polish Society of Experimental and Clinical Immunology, they are not financed from funds obtained from INFARMA member companies..
About Contest
The aims of the Contest are:
- popularization of scientific research results consistent with the interest of young scientists as members of research teams, in the field of fundamental and clinical immunology;
- inspiring scientific activities and discussions;
- developing skills in scientific presentations on academic forums
The competition is addressed to Young Scientists, i.e. people who are under 35 years of age, PhD students, students and members of scientific circles taking an active part in the Congress, who have sent, within the appropriate deadlines, a summary of the original work in which they are the authors presenting the report and who indicated their willingness to participate in the Contest in the abstract submission form. The Contest is open to works submitted by Young Scientists interested in participating in the Contest, which, in the process of reviewing all abstracts, have been qualified for oral presentation during the Congress.
During the Contest Sessions specified in the Congress program, each author presenting the raport should present it during a 10-minute speech consisting of a 7-minute presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.
Rules for assessing work. Announcement of results
- The correctness of the competition is supervised by the Contest Committee appointed by the Contest Organizer. This committee also evaluates the results of the contest.
- The works are assessed by a jury selected from the members of the Contest Committee for each category of the assessed works.
- The composition of the Contest Committee and each member of the Jury will be published on this website no later than on the day of the start of the Congress.
- The evaluation is made according to the following criteria:
- Compliance with the theme of the Congress
- Scientific value of the work
- Effort put in by the author
- Manner of preparation of a presentation
- Method of presentation
- Manner of conducting a discussion
- In each of the above criteria you can receive 1-10 points, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. Maximum number of points – 60.
- The final number of points is the average number of points awarded by all members of a given Jury.
- The Contest Committee summarizes the evaluations and selects the winners.
- The work that receives the highest number of points wins the competition. If two or more works receive the same maximum number of points, the Chairman of the Contest Committee has the decisive vote. The Chairman of the Contest Committee makes the decision after consulting the members of the given Jury.
- Decisions of the Contest Committee regarding the evaluation of the work are final and are not subject to complaint – appeal procedure.
- The announcement of the results and the awarding of prizes will take place during the closing session of the Congress.
- Prizes can only be collected by people who:
- They have their participation in the Congress paid for in their name and surname
- They will present a document confirming their identity to the representative of the Contest Committee
- They meet the conditions for participation in the Contest, i.e. they are a person under 35 years of age who presented the winning work
- They will sign the prize receipt protocol
List of abstracts qualified for competition presentations
Contest Session “Clinical Immunology” (Friday, May 17, 2024, 5:35 p.m.)
No. | Author presenting the paper | Title, authors |
1. | Anna Andrzejczak | Variations within immune checkpoint genes and soluble immune checkpoint isoforms as factors influencing bladder cancer risk and clinical outcome
A. Andrzejczak, B. Małkiewicz, A. Tomkiewicz, W. Krajewski, J. Chabińska, T. Szydełko, L. Karabon |
2. | Michalina Bartak | An inflammatory blast in the brain – SDAV, coronavirus story
M. Bartak, W.D. Krahel, A.V. Potârniche,, E. Długosz, M. Chodkowski, J. Cymerys |
3. | Klaudia Ciesielska-Figlon | The influence of Nigella sativa seed essential oil on T lymphocytes and cytokine patterns in females diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
K. Ciesielska-Figlon, K. Lisowska |
4. | Marta Dratwa | Telomere length and telomerase reverse transcriptase gene polymorphism as markers of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation outcome.
M. Dratwa, P. Łacina, B. Wysoczańska, D. Kilińska, M. Sobczyk-Kruszelnicka, W. Fidyk, I. Solarska, B. Nasiłowska-Adamska, P. Skowrońska, M. Bieniaszewska, A. Tomaszewska, G.W. Basak, S. Giebel, T. Wróbel, K. Bogunia-Kubik |
5. | Aleksandra Korzeniowska | Differences in viral loads in saliva between patients with rheumatoid arthritis and patients with other rheumatic diseases and healthy controls
A. Korzeniowska, A. Daca, E. Bryl |
6. | Wioleta Kowalska | Assessing monocyte subsets expressing innate immune checkpoints in CLL patients
W. Kowalska, K. Jastrzębska-Pawłowska, M. Zarobkiewicz, W.Tomczak, A.Bojarska-Junak, J. Roliński |
7. | Adam Majchrzak | Immune checkpoint molecules as predictive marker of COVID-19 severity
A. Majchrzak, M. Parczewski, D. Chober, B. Aksak-Wąs, M. Karasińska-Cieślak, L. Lesiewska, M. Witak-Jędra, P. Niedźwiedzka-Rystwej, |
8. | Izabela Morawska-Michalska | γδT cells are impaired in patients with primary antibody deficiencies
I. Morawska-Michalska, W. Kowalska, M. K. Zarobkiewicz, E. Grywalska, J. Roliński |
9. | Jonatan Rataj | The potential protective effect of eosinophils in the infection of human lung vascular endothelium by the human coronavirus 229E
J. Rataj , M. Gawrysiak, M. Chałubiński |
10. | Karolina Wojciechowicz | Immunomodulation of T cell response by peptides targeting the BTLA-HVEM complex in melanoma
K. Wojciechowicz, K. Kuncewicz, S. Rodziewicz-Motowidło, M. Spodzieja, J. Rutkowski, J. Jassem, A. Wardowska |
Contest Session “Basic Immunology” (Friday, May 17, 2024, 5:35 p.m.)
No. | Author presenting the paper | Title, authors |
1. | Łukasz Baraniecki | Hemagglutination capacity of Lagovirus europeaus GI.1 – RHDV – strains Fr-2, ŻD, BLA, and selected indicators of natural immunity in experimentally infected rabbits
B. Tokarz-Deptuła, Ł. Baraniecki, W. Deptuła |
2. | Adrian Bekier | Human rhinovirus HRV16 and IL-33 may up-regulate inhibitory checkpoint molecule genes in the human lung microvascular endothelium
A. Bekier, I. Gulbas, M. Gawrysiak, A. Gajewski, R. Szewczyk, M. Chałubiński |
3. | Marianna Ciwun | The effect of methylparaben on proliferation and apoptosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) experimental line cells.
M. Ciwun, K. Salamon, A.Iwaniuk, K.Nowacka, M. Garley, W.Ratajczak-Wrona, E. Jabłońska |
4. | Weronika Daria Krahel | Involvement of VCP during replication and release of SDAV virions from neurons – in vitro studies
W. D. Krahel, M. Bartak, A. Pallepati, H. Buksiński, M. Chodkowski, J. Cymerys |
5. | Dominik Felkle | The immunomodulatory effects of hypotensive drugs on the antibacterial response mediated by macrophages
D. Felkle, K. Zięba, K. Kaleta, J. Czaja, A. Zyzdorf, W. Sobocińska, M. Jarczyński, K. Nazimek |
6. | Mateusz Gawrysiak | Rhinovirus HRV16 may limit the replication of coronavirus HCoV-229E during infection of the lung vascular endothelium
M. Gawrysiak, R. Szewczyk, J. Rataj, M. Chuncia, M. Chałubiński |
7. | Bartosz Hanczaruk | Efficacy of novel abdominoplasty skin-derived acellular dermal matrices in chronic diabetic wound treatment.
B. Hanczaruk, A. Janucik, J. Holl, D. Groth, A. Walewska, M. Tynecka, M. Moniuszko,, H. Razak Hady, A. Eljaszewicz |
8. | Kinga Kędzierska | Assessment of the antioxidant and protective potential of fermented kale extract
K. Kędzierska, A. Rymuszka, M. Michalak-Tomczyk, A. Sierosławska, A. Welman-Styk |
9. | Robert Szewczyk | Human Lung Microvascular Endothelium from certain human individuals may present the constitutive resilience to HCoV-229E infection
R. Szewczyk, M. Gawrysiak, M. Chałubiński |
10. | Alicja Walewska | The Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) as active contributors to enhanced MMP-9 expression following TNF stimulation
A. Walewska, S. Księżak, M. Tynecka, M. Rusak, M. Moniuszko,A. Eljaszewicz, |